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Workout with Ropes
What is Quantified Fitness Coaching?

Quantified FC is my fitness coaching practice, through which I help people improve their strength, cardiovascular capacity, and joint health.


The name Quantified FC reflects my approach to ensure continuous results. We always begin by testing what we’re trying to improve. All of my clients engage in testing their fitness periodically throughout the year. By tracking measurable improvements in strength and performance every 6 weeks, you’ll see how you’re becoming stronger and fitter.


I design all my programs from scratch, tailored to the individual’s current status and their long-term goals. When writing a new program, I closely consider key factors such as: exercise selection, frequency, intensity, volume, and crucially: methods of progressive overload.


Thanks to weekly consultations and adjustments, my programs are dynamic and adaptable to real-world situations. Unlike inflexible, cookie-cutter programs, your weekly routine (micro-cycle) is customised based on factors such as: how you’ve been feeling, injuries, illness, soreness, busy schedule, travel, and any other circumstances that may require adjustments.


Join Quantified FC, and let’s achieve your fitness goals with a customised, adaptable, and results-driven approach.

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